Saturday, February 11, 2012

Adding Ranking Support using SOLR SearchComponent

While working on adding ranking support based on region in one of our search index, the SOLR SearchComponent hook came in pretty handy and was quick. I have over simplified the use case below to define the steps for adding external ranking support in the SOLR search index but feel free to drop a comment /email if you need more info.

Define the SearchComponent

In the SolrConfig.xml, define the new SearchComponent as

<SearchComponent name="rank" class="com.solr.searchindex.component.RankingComponent">
   <lst name="rank">
      <lst name="DEFAULT">
         <str name="bf">hostRankdefault^10<str>
      <lst name="US">
         <str name="bf">hostRankus^5<str>
      <lst name="UK">
         <str name="bf">hostRankuk^5</str>

Here I have two regions – US and UK based on which I would like the documents to rank per the host ranking I have defined in external file. Boosting the document based on ranking in an external file gives us the flexibility to tune the rank anytime or even add more regions without regenerating the index, which is a huge gain if you have large index size.

Register the new SearchComponent in the array of components list. Note: Order of registering the components matters.

<arr name="components">

Now we need to define the 3 fields used for boosting in the SearchComponent in the Schema.xml.

Define ExternalFileFields

First we define the new ExternalFileField as a fieldType in Schema.xml with keyField referring to the field ‘site’ which stores the host /domain name.

<fieldType name="hostRankExt" keyField="site" defVal="0" stored="false" indexed="false" class="solr.ExternalFileField" valType="pfloat"/>
<field name="site"type="String" indexed=”true” stored=”true”/>

Here I have defined the value type 'valType' for this field as float.

Now we define the boost fields which will refer to this ExternalFileField.
<field name="hostRankdefault" type="hostRankExt"/>
<field name="hostRankus" type="hostRankExt"/>
<field name="hostRankuk" type="hostRankExt"/>

Define External Files

The next step would be to add three host files with ranks to be referred by these three boost fields. The file name should be of the format external_<fieldname> and placed in the index directory to be picked by SOLR. Few things to note here would be, if the external file has already been loaded, and then updated, the changes will be visible only after the commit and it is suggested to have the external file sorted on the key.




Extend the SearchComponent to add the ranking support

Here is the quick code sample to add the ranking support based on the region passed in the query URL.
public class RankingComponent extends SearchComponent implements SolrCoreAware {
   private static final String RANK = "rank";
   private static final String RANK_US = "US";
   private static final String RANK_UK = "UK";
   private static final String RANK_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT";
   private Map initParamMap = new HashMap();

   public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {

      SolrQueryRequest req = rb.req;
      SolrParams params = req.getParams();
      ModifiableSolrParams modparams = new ModifiableSolrParams(params);

      if (params.get(RANK).toUpperCase().equals(RANK_US))
         updateParams(modparams, RANK_US);
      else if (params.get(RANK).toUpperCase().equals(RANK_UK))
         updateParams(modparams, RANK_UK);
         updateParams(modparams, RANK_DEFAULT);

   public void init(NamedList args) {
      NamedList rankList = (NamedList) args.get(RANK);
      for (int i = 0; i < rankList.size(); i++) {
         initParamMap.put(rankList.getName(i), (NamedList) rankList.getVal(i));

   private void updateParams(ModifiableSolrParams modparams, String rankid) {
      NamedList rankParams = initParamMap.get(rankid);
      int rankLength = rankParams.size();
      String name = “”;
      Object val = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < rankLength; i++) {
         name = rankParams.getName(i); //Reading parameter name our case ‘bf’
         val = rankParams.get(name); //Reading parameter value our case ‘bf’ value
         if (val != null) {
            modparams.set(name, val.toString());

Now we have the ranking support in our search index. Try it out with changing the parameter value to see the difference it makes. Based on your score distribution you might have to update your boost factor or rank values.


  1. Hi Bhawna,
    Thanks for an interesting post.
    A small question: what would you advise if custom ranking is based upon user activity? As far as I understand, the external file(s) will be quite large - isn't it a performance bottleneck?

  2. Can I make a search query on ExternalFileField.
